

現在,公益成為台灣電力公司領導合格供應商之一。我們與日本NGK Insulators, Inc.至今維持長達60年以上的合作關係,公益所供應之碍子在全台灣被廣泛使用,輸電等級碍子市佔率100%,公益因此獲得高品質及可靠之名聲。NGK旗下產品「NAS儲能系統(鈉硫電池)」擁有能量密度高、等優點,為世界首創大容量儲能系統,能應用於削峰填谷、能量轉移、微電網應用、備用電源及參與輔助服務,亦能有效解決再生能源,如風力發電和太陽能發電,易受天氣影響導致供電不穩定的狀況。2020年在金門,NAS儲能系統成為台灣使用的第一套鈉硫電池儲能系統,完工時為台灣容量最大的儲能電池系統。可以幫助台灣提供更穩定並環保之電力給予社會大眾是公益的榮幸。

公益也以日本製鐵(Nippon Steel Corporation)合作夥伴之身分供應套裝式鋼管柱。此產品採用嵌套結構,材料薄而輕,施工無需特殊的設備和技術,可以提高運輸及安裝效率,因此特別適用於偏遠山區及離島,能幫助交通困難區域提供穩定的電量。

民國100年,公益再次擴展商業版圖,成為跨國公司Church & Dwight Co., Inc.的台灣區代理商,正式踏入快銷品市場,推出Batiste芭緹絲乾洗髮,至今已成為台灣熱銷第一乾洗髮。公益近年陸續增加代理品牌,從事多角化經營,隨時關注新領域尋找拓展機會。


Kung Yik Co., Ltd. was founded on April 1, 1950, under the name Kung Yik Import and Export Trading Company. With the goal of showcasing Taiwanese products to the world, the company joined The Importer and Exporters Association of Taipei (IEAT) as one of its earliest members. In Kung Yik’s initial stages, our main business was the export of agricultural and aquatic products. As time went on, our business was expanded to include the importation of insulators, NAS Battery Systems, Panzer Masts, power cables, communication cables, and power equipment.

Today, Kung Yik is one of the leading qualified suppliers for state-owned Taiwan Power Company. As the trusted partner of Japanese company NGK Insulators, Ltd. for over 60 years, the insulators we supply are used across the entirety of Taiwan, and we have earned a reputation for high quality and reliability. This is especially true in the insulator for transmission line sector, where we have 100% market share. NGK’s NAS Battery System is the world’s first large-capacity battery energy storage system. It boasts high energy density, long-duration, and a long service life. NAS Battery applications include renewable stabilization, peak shaving, microgrid solutions, backup power, and ancillary services. Upon installation in Kinmen in 2020, it became Taiwan’s first sodium-sulfur battery energy storage system and the highest-capacity battery energy storage system in the country. Kung Yik is thus proud to provide more reliable and eco-friendly energy to the people of Taiwan.

Kung Yik also partners with Nippon Steel Corporation to supply Panzer Masts. Lightweight, nestable, and requiring no specialized machinery or equipment for installation, they are especially useful in mountainous and residential areas. Kung Yik strongly supports increased access to reliable energy supply in hard-to-reach areas.

In 2011, we took the next step in our evolution by becoming the exclusive Taiwanese distributor of multinational company Church & Dwight Co., Inc. Kung Yik entered the fast-moving consumer goods market with the launch of Batiste dry shampoo, now the #1-selling dry shampoo in Taiwan. We continue to launch new brands and expand our portfolio. Kung Yik enjoys a successful track record of diversification and is always searching for new areas of expansion.

Over the past seventy years, Kung Yik has been dedicated to the success of our import and export businesses and our performance as a sales agent for international brands. Based on the principles of integrity and reliability, Kung Yik aims to provide superior-quality products and service to our customers. We see challenges as opportunities and are committed to the constant evolution of our business. In this age of rapid technological advancement and globalization, Kung Yik continues to grow and learn, rooted in our philosophy of perpetual operation.

© 2018 Copyright 公益國際開發股份有限公司